Zentherapy® recognizes that from birth to death, life is a flow of energy. This energy takes shape by our attitudes, our emotions and our bodies. Zentherapy® releases the natural form of the body from the aberrations caused by physical, chemical, psychological and spiritual traumas.
These aberrations misalign the body and block the free flow of energy within the body and between the person and the universe. The blocks and misalignment prevent us from realizing our full potential and experiencing the oneness of all life. Once blocks are removed and the structure is aligned, the body, mind and spirit will move to a higher plateau.
Zentherapy® is a synthesis
Zentherapy® is a synthesis of Eastern and Western cultures. Many different methods and techniques are used to process the body; these include the work of Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, Lauren Berry and Raymond Nimmo. Tanouye Rotaishi’s teachings are an underlying source of all Zentherapy® trainings.
Zentherapy® is unique
Why? Consciously experiencing and using universal energy is what makes Zentherapy® unique. The Zazen training is basic to this work.
The term «Zentherapy®»
US American William S. Leigh first met Zen Master Tanouye Tenshin Rotaishi, an archbishop of a Zen temple in Hawaii, in the late 1980s. Tanouye was a truly remarkable figure and the third and most important teacher in Leigh’s life. Tanouye Tenshin Rotaishi introduced Leigh to the use of ki (vital energy) and taught him how to give profound depth and multiply the healing effects of bodywork through ki. This marked the birth of Zentherapy®.
When Leigh met Zen Master Tanouye Tenshin Rotaishi, Leigh was already a highly experienced body therapist. He had previously trained with two great bodywork experts, namely Dr. Ida Rolf und Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais who were true pioneers and ahead of their time. Leigh -or “Dub” as he was widely known as- combined the teachings of Rolf, Feldenkrais and Tanouye Rotaishi, creating the masterpiece that is Zentherapy®. Dub went on to teach this synthesis of East and West in the US and Europe for many years.
Zentherapy® and I
I began my Zentherapy® training in 2009 and have since continued to learn about this form of therapy on a regular basis and in the presence of my two teachers.
Is it possible to train a form of therapy? Yes, because Zentherapy® is based on the premise that both the client and the therapist are on a journey on which continuous physical, mental and emotional further development is paramount. The absence of such further development makes it difficult to stay healthy in today’s society. As we enjoy a much higher life expectancy than previous generations, it is our responsibility to look after our bodies, our minds and our souls, so that we do not end up as immobile, breathless and frustrated wrecks at the premature age of 60.
Zentherapy® is recommended for
- Acquired postural deformities
- Musculoskeletal pains
- Back pain
- Headaches
- Effects of accidents and injuries
- Restricted mobility
- Physical and mental exhaustion
- Burden of stress
- Numbness
- Tingling sensation
- Dizziness